We are not our bodies
I've been praying about the racial division in America (and around the world). I found this video wonderfully right-on. We are not our bodies. Isn't that behind all racism? Judging people as if they were their bodies?
I think that we're all beautiful, unique, needed individualities, expressive of God's nature. We're not limited to a body.
The only way to enlightenment or the end of the inner-war of judgement and dissatisfaction is to see all people as one with God (infinite Love and intelligence) and free of body-labels. We're not limited by being thin or fat, black or white, tall or small. To discover true identity, we must, as the Bible puts it, "be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord" -2 Cor. 5:8. I'd say, we must be absent from the body to be present with the Lord.
Today, we can contribute to ending the gross racial inequalities in our culture by being absent from the body in this way: not labeling each other with body-labels and skin-color judgments. We can also be present with God, knowing that God, creative Soul, loves all of His/Her children equally and completely. We can look for the ways we each express God. There's always A LOT there once we start to look!
We are all defined by the way we express God. We're not defined by bodies. If we consciously digest this truth, we will inevitably find ways to express it tangibly and help end racism for good.