Rising up

I love this simple article called "Skyward flight" by Caroline Shrewsbury from the May 22, 1915 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel:

One day, while walking, I was attracted by a small bird that was flying away from a dog. The dog pursued the bird and was gaining on the tiny fledgling, which was but a few inches from the ground; and although flying at a good speed, as long as it continued on a level with its pursuer, just so long the dog followed it.

I watched the flight of the one and the chase of the other until a corner of the street was reached, and turned with them in order to watch the outcome, being interested in the bird's safety. Suddenly the little navigator of the air darted straight up and away from any possibility of being caught by its pursuer. The dog stood still, gazing upward; but as he was unable to proceed in the direction the bird had taken, he presently trotted off, leaving the winged creature free and safe in its upward flight. It seemed as if the bird had suddenly become conscious of its ability to rise and so escape the danger that threatened it, and this recalled Mrs. Eddy's words on page 261 of Science and Health, where she says, "Fixing your gaze on the realities supernal, you will rise to the spiritual consciousness of being, even as the bird which . ... preens its wings for a skyward flight." Again on page 260 she says, "Distrust of one's ability to gain the goodness desired and to bring out better and higher results, often hampers the trial of one's wings and insures failure at the outset."

Our safety always lies in rising up into the spiritual heights of Mind and dwelling there in conscious understanding of the allness of God. In Paul's epistle to the Colossians we read, "Your life is hid with Christ in God." Error cannot enter this domain of Spirit.


Here, too, is a secular article that notes (in most subtle observation) that there are healers rising up all around us. This natural goodness and progress is a sign of the knowledge of good, the Science of God, within all of us. It's wonderful to have this trend -- "Healers rising up" -- publicly recognized, isn't it?

A Nation of Healers

By DAVID BROOKS Published: June 21, 2016


Nate Frederick